Blogging U 101 – Assignment #1 – Personal Introduction

Hello Readers (and fellow Blogging U 101 writers):

Thanks for stopping in to my writing lab. Here (at least to this point) you’ll find brief stories from my everyday life with family and friends. While I write regularly for Focus Magazine, I am new to blogging. It all began when one of the Brandon Christian Writers group members challenged us all to set up a blog, just for practice.

I did and here you see the results. I’m hoping to learn about widgets and appearance, etc. through this class.

As for me, I’m a retired English and Journalism teacher (after also a 28-year career in sales with a home manufacturer). I’m not very good at retirement yet, because writing community good news articles and serving as Christian Education Director at my church keep me busier than my husband likes me to be. All suggestions are welcome!

I lead the above mentioned writers group and also belong to WordWeavers International (Tampa) and the National League of American Pen Women. I write to breathe…I cannot not write. And I always want to be improving in the craft.

If anyone is looking for another great way to improve your skill, check your local library to see if a memoir-writing class is available. The one I just finished might very well be the best 10 Friday afternoons I’ve invested in my career.

Other than writing, I love playing golf and traveling with my husband RJ. He is my biggest encourager (even though he wishes writing didn’t make me such a night owl).

Anyway, enough about me for this assignment. Hope you’re still awake after reading this post. I enjoy serious critique and have thick skin, so please feel free to comment on anything you discover here.

Write on!


Filed under Family

2 responses to “Blogging U 101 – Assignment #1 – Personal Introduction

  1. I just love you, Cheryl!! I missed you this weekend at the retreat, but wanted to offer condolences.and (((Hugs))). You were missed, for sure. I am so impressed by your bloggy self and ask you to please pray for me as I am determined to venture into these waters myself. Thanks so much. I enjoyed your post and I’ll be checking back more often! 🙂


    • Aww- thank you, sweet friend! I’m happy to hear you’ve “found your tribe” and so happy you enjoyed FIWR. Good for you with the blogging desire. I need to be more faithful myself with posts. Let’s pray for each other and our writing ministries. We are so glad to have you back among us. Would love to read you 55-word story when you have a chance.


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